Between the Wars

Friday, April 2, 2010

The French Resistance

After the outbreak of WWII there were many people that gave into the Nazi Regime. Meaning if the French or British found an American soldier on their land they should turn them over to the Nazi's. It all came down to the question liberty and freedom of the Nazi's, or do you give into the regime? For the French they decided liberty. The French people never knew what the Nazi's would do to the American soldiers, sometimes they would be treated well, or other times they would be tortured and killed. It was a big risk for the people of France to hide these American soldiers.
The German's would come into the homes of the French at random hours and search their homes to see if they were hiding anything or anybody. The French knew that if they were caught with American's they would be sent to a camp and be tortured and killed there; still they took the chance. They wanted to do anything to get freedom from Hitler and his regime. The French that were hiding these soldiers went to such lengths as to get them the right civilian clothes. The American's had to appear like French people traveling.
Many French people had to go to the police station's to sign their names and let the policemen or German's know anything about the American's or people against the Nazi Regime. The French ran a big risk doing this because it was more common for the German's to check the homes of those people. The French would hide the American's anywhere they could, whether it be at a farm, in apartments or homes. Many French people would try and stand up, or resist the Nazi's by holding strikes. If any German's were hurt during a strike or were injured in France, the Nazi's would pick random civilians out of a crowd and torture them, and later kill them. It was the mentality that German's were superior to everyone else. The French would hide American's from two to three days or up to two to three weeks at a time. The French offered the American's their hospitality and food, which was not much. They helped the American's to get home safely. Also to get freedom the French tried many forms of sabotage. They would blow up bridges and block off anything that would allow the German's to get into their country.
The French did everything they could to stop the German's from advancing, and getting stronger. They did this to have their freedom back and to no longer live in fear. If there were not people like the French during WWII, then today there would most likely be a world filled with German's, still under the Nazi Regime. Thanks to the French civilians there is not a world with Nazi's, instead a world filled with more peace, and more freedom. If it were not for the French wanting their freedom back, then we would not live in the world we do today.(502)